Mother’s Day - Cherishing the Woman Who Made Us What We Are -
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Mother’s Day is one of the many celebrations that we have imported from the West. But unlike celebrating Halloween dressed as some Neanderthals, Mother’s Day is more profound and close to the heart. From the helicopter moms to the laid back moms, mothers come in all shapes and sizes. But the binding thread that steadfastly connects all moms is their unconditional love and support for their children forever. So on this mother’s day (8th of May), let’s put in all our efforts to make all mothers feel loved. The neighbourhood aunty whose children live far away, your domestic help who puts your child before hers, your child’s teachers who are a second mother to your child, let’s include all the mothers in our celebration this year.

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days around the world. In India and in several other countries, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May and this year it falls on 8th May. So let’s shower, pamper and make our moms feel special on this occasion.

Here are a few ideas how we can make “MOM” feel extra special on this day.

  • Serve her breakfast in bed:

Who doesn’t love waking up to a nice steaming cup of coffee and yummy vadas with spicy chutney in bed? Yes, on mother’s day gather up the kids, set the alarm and wake up before mom does and wish her in bed with a hot cup of coffee or tea. She’ll cherish the drink and is sure to keep on speaking about it for a long time to come.

  • Handmade mother’s day cards:

If you have kiddos who love to paint and draw this one is right up your alley. Gather some craft materials, glue and wake up the Picasso in you and work with the kids to gift mom the special card.

  • Write her a poem:

If you always have a way with words and feel better expressing yourself through poems, then put on your thinking caps and write a poem thanking mom for the myriad ways in which she has made you feel loved. It doesn’t need to be the bard’s language, simple heartfelt poems are sure to be appreciated more.

  • Organise a surprise party for Mom  with her friends:

If your mom loves sitting and having a chat with her friends, just like mine then this is a great way to make her super happy. Call up your mom’s friends and get them to meet for a brunch at a local café or any other place of her choice. You not only make your mom happy, but you also make several other moms happy. Your mom will certainly be proud of you.

  • Gift her a Spa Treatment:

Moms rarely indulge themselves. They always put their kiddos and others ahead of them and never take the time to treat themselves. A spa treatment is one luxury moms rarely ever get. Book an appointment and take her to a spa and watch her worries and stress melt way. Throw in a pedi and a mani too and see mom glow with joy.

  • Take Mom to meet her Mom:

Even if your mom is always on the touch with her mom, drive her to her mom’s place and see her become a kid once again. Also gift grandma a card signed by your mom. Your mom will surely appreciate the effort you have taken to make her mom happy too.

  • Take a Picture with Mom:

Even with the popularity of selfies, there is something to be said for the charm of popping into a studio and having your picture taken. Take mom to a photo studio and take a picture of you together. Make this a ritual and take a photo every year on Mother’s Day. It would be nice to look back at the photos as the years go by.

  • Go Tech-Savvy:

If you live far away from your mother and if your mom is an expert in posting on facebook, twitter, instagram and other social media sites, create a page, wall or feed exclusively for your mother. Gather up your siblings and let your whole family share pictures, posts or videos of mom. This will be like a walk down memory lane and you can have a virtual family get-together online. You can even have video calls with the whole family, so mom gets to feel that she has her whole brood with her on this day.

  1. Above all Spend time with Mom and reminisce with her

Even if you are busy and would love to spend the day curled up in your bed, take time to go meet your mom and spend time with her, listening to her talk and remind her that she is always the person to whom you’ll turn to, no matter how old you grow.

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