Financial planning includes tax savings as a key component. A well-thought-out tax planning approach may help people accomplish their financial objectives while also lowering their tax liability.
The latest PFRDA move to amend the pension fund regulations comes in the wake of Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister in her last year’s Budget speech directing regulators to review their regulations from the perspective of easing compliance burden.
The key strategies proposed include implementing a reverse mortgage mechanism aimed at enhancing financial liquidity for seniors.
A monthly grant of Rs 20,000, initiated by the Sheila Dixit government and continued under the present government, has been discontinued for the last three years.
Kolkata: Doctors across city hospitals are seeing a surge in pneumococcal pneumonia. The numbers apart, what is concerning is the severity and unusual features of the bacterial infection.
It is important to know the various charges apart from the eligibility criteria before you open an overseas bank account.
The NPS ensures a comfortable retirement by combining market-linked returns with disciplined savings and power of compounding.
Every year, the pre-Budget phase is flooded with anticipation and hopes from different segments of the economy.
The bill was prepared by the Kerala Law Reforms Commission and subsequently cleared by the Law Department.
some of us might be having senior citizen parents who still fall into the taxable income slabs, and that is why require tax saving.
Urbanization has changed family life and not only have our homes grown smaller, but so have our hearts
Embark on this journey through time, listen to the whispers of the past, and create an unforgettable chapter in your own story
A partnership of primary health networks around the country is developing a telehealth training program for residential aged care that will be rolled out to homes in the first half of this year.
These behaviors might not appear a big deal, but they could hurt your brain health in the long run.
Interest in seniors housing investments remains strong as investors seek higher yields from alternative asset classes
Other parts of Asia are projected to have aging populations at a faster pace compared to Japan, requiring them to develop schemes to meet the growing need for nursing care.
Older Australians will help Monash University-led research to assess and address social isolation and loneliness among their peers.
Battling a falling birth rate and aging population, Japan hopes a combination of technology and immigration may go some way toward easing a critical shortage of workers.
With its timeless wonders and diverse landscapes, Egypt beckons elderly travellers to embark on a journey filled with cultural richness and historical marvels
China is expected to transition rapidly from an ‘aging’ to an ‘aged’ society by 2027, a shift that will take just 25 years.
This practice, where seniors travel south for the winter and return north in the spring, similar to migratory birds, has become popular among retired Chinese seniors and is known as “migratory bird-style” elderly care.
A new tax credit for those who care for a sick or elderly loved one, will be available for the 2024 tax year.
When revenue gets lean, state and federal lawmakers have long looked at budgetary line-items that specifically benefit senior citizens as places to trim the fat.
the sheer size of this generation is driving an unprecedented need for senior living options. Every day, about 10,000 Americans turn 65. By 2031, all Baby Boomers will have reached this milestone.
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